You look wonderful and you do NOT look pregnant at ALL. Church ladies seem to do this more than the general population, for some reason.

ACK!! That is just horrible. She put her hands on you??? Some people are beyond belief.

Of course you know you don't look pregnant and I hope you'll keep the top. It's a great outfit on you! (Love the shoes and pendant).

I am still laughing at Maneera's response. That was absolutely brilliant. I wish I'd had that kind of wit when someone said the same thing to me once on an elevator.

I see this same scenario so often in advice columns, and I always think, why on earth do people think it's okay to say and do that? I suppose they mean well, but come on, people, THINK. I hope the woman you encountered went home with her tail between her legs and hid under the covers in embarrassment, because (1) you don't look pregnant at all, and (2) we all should look so fabulous! And P.S. keep the top, it's lovely.

Thank you all. It hit a little harder because weight right now is feeling like a sensitive topic.

Goldenpig, BrieN, Maneera, Momo, summer and others who've been asked the same question. Unfortunately it shows way too many people are asking women this. Ack. I would prefer it if it was more of an anomaly.

And Maneera, I love your dogs picture, and I literally laughed at the concept that several people thought your German Shepard could birth your beagle. Crazy.


I wish people would mind their own business. It's SOOOO inappropriate to ask (and touch no less) if someone is pregnant. All I can do right now is roll my eyes, shake my head, and send over a virtual hug.

Oh Delurked --

Keep the top and ditch the lady!

Love Maneera's story/response. You may have to memorize and use the lines -- I find types like your Questioner will return with, "now you're SURE you're not [x]?"

I haven't read through the comments but will do so afterwords.
For this particular outfit, you clearly MUST just ignore the lady because you look 1,000 fab and super stylish. It would be a crying shame to not wear this fabulous cobalt blue shirt. It looks great.

If you're confident about the clothes you're wearing, then an insulting comment is sort of meaningless and not worth your time to consider. I find there are many elements of my style where I feel confident and don't care what other people think.

But then there are other areas where I'm still testing out the waters, and when people make a snide comment or backhanded insult (which is almost always unintentional) it affects me a lot and I DO sometimes end up not wearing the item. I will put it on hiatus for a while and come back to it once I'm feeling more confident.

you look wonderful, and I don't understand why people think it all right not only to comment on but also to TOUCH potentially pregnant women's bodies. I wouldn't find the touching acceptable even if I were pregnant.

The touching thing is so unacceptable -- whether pregnant or not!

I like the way you look in this, but I have to say, any time I have ever worn some kind of loose tunic item, my husband says that it looks like maternity clothes (when pregnant I admittedly was living in a black belly basics tunic and leggings), and it has put me off the look.

Good grief. I can't believe people (a) comment on a pregnancy when they don't know for sure, and (b) think it's OK to touch someone's belly. Aaaaargh.

First: you don't look pregnant.

Second: You don't have to throw out all your tunics.

Third: About that top in particular. This is where it gets iffy. I think it looks great, and let me reiterate it does not make you look pregnant -- but I confess that if this happened to me, I would be very unlikely to wear the top ever again. This is because of my personal feelings about pregnancy are not overwhelmingly positive. Pregnancy made me feel gross -- like my body was out of control -- and I didn't particularly like how I looked pregnant, either. (Some women look cute; I looked like a sweaty, shiny, bloated tick, albeit with thick lustrous hair). So if I wore a top that made people think I was pregnant, I would never be able to get that image out of my head.

Having said that, you are probably more sane than I am, so I think the better advice would be to just ignore the silly woman and keep the top.

P.S. No one ever touched my belly during either of my pregnancies, despite the fact that it was very clear that I was, in fact, pregnant. I've always been a bit sad about that, because I was so looking forward to giving someone a public dressing-down for daring to touch me.

To be honest, I have steered away from most tunics because I try them on and think to myself - this makes me look pregnant. Reject. And I would have been ok with my friends or family saying - I don't think that flatters you. Maybe something else instead. But for someone who doesn't even know my name, even though she is a nice old lady, it just made me upset.

However, I'm trying to branch out of the same old thing, and that plus a bit of weight gain, makes me like the possibility of tunics. Plus, I like them with boots and leggings in winter. And I like the look on other people, so I figure, why not on me too? I do think, if I have my YLF terms correct, I can dip my toe into this style to look JFE. This style won't take over my wardrobe, but I've decided not to get rid of it.

And this picture is how I should have reacted!

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Love your attitude Delurked! And the cat pic.
Oh and I thought your avatar was an Easter Island statue, until I clicked on it and saw it was cheese.

I think you should wear it and every time you do you should congratulate yourself for not only looking great, but for having the self control not to deck that rude idiot!

Goldenpig - I first had my cat, but noticed there were quite a few of them. Hence cheese. Maybe that's why I needed this post ha ha.

Delurked hahaha love it. I think it is a shock when someone does that. We don't know what to say.