There have been a couple posts on problem feet and shoes lately, so I thought I'd add in another thread - this time, specific to a particular brand. One Fabber once recommended that I try Camper shoes. I finally got around it today and tried on a pair of boots with 1.8 inch heel - very similar to the heel on the first 3 links I'm showing. They were comfortable and the soft leather did not aggravate my bunions. Despite the fit, I did not walk away with new boots, mainly because I was apprehensive. I spent at least $150 consecutively in the last two months on black low-heeled boots that turned out to be painful. My Yokonos, for instance hurt at the ball of the foot despite the Insole and 1.5 inch heel, and the Miz Mooz have me shin splints even though the heel is only 2 inches tall and the toe box is quite wide (did not look great with flares. Also, no ball of foot pain at all!).

Has anyone (especially those with foot issues) worn Camper Shoes in the past? Did they aggravate any foot problems? Are they durable and comfortable?

Here are the styles I'm particularly drawn to. I've tried on the first one and it fit well.