I'm still working on mine. I like to think that it is "classic with a modern twist" but I don't know if I actually hit that mark.

Another newbie here - I would say I am a modern chic with lots of color- for work.
In every day life - it is usually boring jeans and t-shirts.
I do dressy occasions and work dressing really well. But I can't figure out my style for non-work, casual hanging out with friends occasions.

Disha, that is a tricky one, huh? If it helps, that is the majority of what my life entails, so I've had to figure that out I wear a uniform at work. I also agree getting 'dressed up' is easier. Fancy fabrics, heels, some sheen, ta-da. lol

Mo - I think it is a combination of factors. I hate being seen as "dressy" because everyone around me tends to not dress up at all.
I also run into trouble because I love wearing dresses and skirts, but in my mind, they are dressy! But I am getting better at the jeans casual looks that still look stylish.
Wearing a uniform at work - actually sounds fun and stress-free!

A couple of years ago, Lisa Pippus from A Woman of Style was doing some " a woman of style" pieces on her blog. I volunteered, I had to come up with some words, I used simple, classic, and modern. I think these three still work but I would probably add comfortable or casual and maybe minamalist? But that may all be part of simple....

My biggest problem is narrowing down the colors in my closet so they all play nicely!

I'm also a recent lurker (how I hate that word!) and thank you for bring up this topic. I'm far from nailing down three descriptive words, and sometimes think it's easier to list things I don't like rather than what I do like. Nevertheless, here's the current but far from final attempt:

1. Sophisticated - not girly or overtly youthful
2. Quietly luxurious - a subtle look of quality, nothing glitzy or flashy
3. Relatively casual - comfortable, underdone rather than overdone, simple (but not plain or boring, I hope)

I've been working on this for awhile, but it's not so easy. But what fun!!!

New here, too, but have been reading for ages. I try to fine-tune my style identity every time this topic comes up, but vacillate between frustration with not being able to nail it down and thinking maybe I don't really need to define myself after all. That said, I am trying to avoid wasteful shopping after purging my closet of so much junk over the last year, so I do try to follow a few guidelines/style concepts.

I like clothes that make me feel powerful and in control. I realize that may sound a little funny. What I mean is, that when I feel really good in something vs. feeling just ok, I feel more powerful and capable. I was a very shy, overweight child who moved around a lot and often found it hard to constantly be making new friends. I had a hard time finding "cool" clothes in my size back then and never felt great. In the last 10-15 years, that has changed and I appreciate the power that clothes can have on my attitude and mood.

Sometimes for me that can mean a tough boot, a bold accessory, killer heels, but sometimes it can be as simple as a t-shirt in a good color and fit for me with some fun flats. It's not really something I can define.

I do tend towards pieces that are fairly classic, with accessories that are bold with an occasional rocker touch. When I shop these days, I do try to ask myself if I really love it, what I'd think if I saw someone else wearing it, and it feels like "me".

Not a newbie but I am a magpie who is casual, comfy and sporty so i'm a casual comfy sporty magpie, lol. I want to be more edgy but I'm not very successful at adding edge to my closet. I will say my words don't define my style or how I shop it is just what reflects me at the moment.

Another late joiner here. Pinning down good descriptors is not an easy task. I am a retired teacher in a small, very casual style city in Ontario, Canada. There are some stores geared to the growing retirement population here, but there isn't much choice - I think Ceit would agree with me ! I dress quite casually but with a bit of creativity. I own some Fluevogs, and I have great glasses which set me apart from my 60+ friends and neighbours. I would love to lose some weight so that I could really go clothes crazy, but that is a challenge.
Thanks to all of you for all the hours I have spent enjoying the blog and the forum. Looking forward to a little more participation.

Love this thread! So fun!

I'd describe my go-to style as 'oversized-edge'. This description works two ways for me, as I tend to go for looser fitting tops, always in longer lengths, with slimmer bottoms (usually jeans or leggings) but always with a edgy vibe (embellishments, moto styles, leather, lots of black) I'm proud of my tiny frame but I'm just not a fan of tight fitting tops. But oversized can also describe my choice of size of my accessories-I tend to go big. Big sunglasses, big cocktail rings, chunky jewelry and LOTS of it, and even big hair!

Another factor for me is my one year old son, who has driven my style in a more casual direction. But I'm proud to own the mantra "badass momma", who I am style-wise will always be rebellious, but I haven't worn heels in longer than I can remember. My tattoos and pinup winged eyeliner goes great with diapers and pacifiers As he officially turns one in November, I've already started on his style-I'm obsessed with the little DC skate sneakers I've found-a kind of easy street style, just like his momma!

I guess I should have added I've been a veteran here for years, just commiserating on how it's harder to nail down a fashionable casual style than it is to dress up.

New to posting as well. My style is:

Casual and Comfortable- I wear mostly jeans for everyday and I like comfortable tops- loose fitting, cotton short/long-sleeved shirts or cotton sweaters.

Dressy- I have recently realized I love dresses for going out (and never for everyday), again more classic style (solids like black, brown, or occasional prints- again somewhat loose fitting, with a sense of movement).

Shoes are sneakers, ballerina flats, sandals- I am not a boot person (for comfort reasons- like them on others, just can't find any that I like).

I'd like to get a little edgier, but each time I venture out of my comfort zone I end up feeling strange/out-of-place and those items end up in the donate bin.

Don't know if others have this problem but I am small, and most things my size are geared towards a younger demographic and just look silly on me (at 60+). So finding classically styled items in quality fabrics is a huge challenge.

I'm multi-personality in my wardrobe:
Sporty at work (gym) - yoga pants,track jacket, running shoes
Casual at home - jeans & tank/sweater, loafers/flats
Country club casual at golf club - slacks,blouse,wedge heels
Simply elegant for evenings out - dress or pencil skirt with silk blouse, pumps
Common themes for my choices are well made clothes with clean lines plus I love a monochromatic look but will add some colour for interest.

I would say that my style is clean and classic but I like some retro or edge for contrast.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about a moniker for myself, and about the time I gave up on it, I decided to try "Happy Tomboy". That worked for me for a few weeks, until I realized that it made me less colorful, and I missed my color. Now I'm trying out "spunky lady" - as in, ladylike with spunk. It allows me to pull "spunk" from color or from something just a little bit edgy, or from Tomboy elements. I consider that my "dressed up" personal now, and the "happy tomboy" more my casual/weekend/housecleaning persona. We'll see how long either one lasts

Not a newbie here, but today was only the second time I've posted pics. (My house is quite dark, and in most of the pics DH took of me today he had the telephone pole growing out of my head.)

I guess I would describe my style filters as Playful Arty Urban Prince over mostly tailored classic cuts.

Playful -- Overly serious clothing does NOT float my boat. My trench coat is red. I rarely see a polka dot I don't like. Right now I'm wearing a jeans jacket in a dalmatian print. I am hoping that Santa will bring me elbow length blue foil fingerless gloves.

Arty -- I love arty ethnic jackets, Fluevogs, big crazy jewelry, and many other things that don't give me a fit.

Urban Prince -- Full on masculinity doesn't work for me because I'm only 5'1". I like to add a bit of androgyny or toughness when something strikes me as too femme, like this blouse I bought in great colors in a liberty type print which feels too girly for me. I am trying not to fall in love with everything and anything that is charcoal gray since I am trying to swear off black. Except for maybe black leather: I am hoping Santa will bring me studded leather fingerless gloves.

So great to see a lot of new members on this thread!

I've never been able to really nail down a moniker, although I've test-driven a few. I do use a style rubric, though. Mine is:
Form with Flow
Energy with Ease

It's a short hand way of reminding me that structure in my outfits needs to be balanced with drape, movement, fluidity. It's as much a way of feeling in an outfit as it is a matter of silhouette. Energy with ease reminds me that I like vibrant, dramatic looks, but I want to appear approachable, and at ease in my own skin --- no overdone drama and no trying too hard!

Look forward to getting to know you all beter!

Another lurker here

I've often described myself (in my head) as Bohemian Rockstar Lumberjack. I have a very maximalist style, with lots of accessories, high heels and plaid. I love bootcuts, bellbottoms and skinny jeans all equally, and I've never met scarf I didn't like I shop a wide range of stores, from thrift stores to ebay to Nordstrom.

It's very interesting to me that many are saying they are working towards a style. For me, I just buy stuff I like that fits. I suppose I should start another thread to ask why others are "finding" their style

Here's one more long-time lurker joining the party.

I can't really say I have a style (yet?), but here's what I'm
working towards:


I feel most comfortable without too much going on, and I often like bookending. Usually, I end up wearing the same colours again and again. Not very exciting, I know, but I like it I also like to keep my things both simple and unique enough so that they last a long time and I don't suddenly discover that fashion has outrun most of my closet.


This means that what I wear could be distressed and
worn, but still of quality fabrics so that they look worn in a good
way. I love my Frye boots.


At the moment, this means soft and well fitting
clothes. I don't like being restricted too much by what I'm wearing.

And joining YLF might bring me closer to adding

Oh right. I should mention too that I've been on YLF for awhile now - but I'm forever a style moniker newbie. I'm still working on getting a handle on things intellectually. I mean, I can analyse in retrospect, but looking at a piece in a store... I still wander stylistically.

Sophisticated Kindergartener. Feminine Tomboy. Polished Comfort. Practical but Not Dour. Tough Gamine.

Basically, I want to dress in a way that's 1) comfortable but not sloppy 2) conducive to both being active and looking presentable at work and at home 3) basic and unfussy, but with a touch of whimsy 4) feminine but not overly girly.

It's a lot to balance. I'm very picky about my clothes.

I'm a Twisted Classic!

This is a really fun thread. I enjoy reading through everyone's ideas and individual journeys.
Keepthekey -- I love yours Bohemian Rockstar Lumberjack (FABULOUS!)

The elements of my style are: classic, nostalgic, polished, dramatic, ladylike, lush and a little whimsy (I love a quirky print)

As my hair became more "silvered," i realized that I wanted to simplify my colour palette. My blues, teals, plums, soft whites and greys all play well with each other, helping me to become a "Tmeless, Elegant, Classic Summer." After years of wanting a closet that looked a bit more like a "cool" box of crayons, I now have one that makes me smile every time I open it up.

Is there a style word for quality?

Tried these boots on today, and they felt so ~me~. The quality, the combination of sleekness and sturdiness.

Of course, I've no idea if these particular boots could be styled for my current lifestyle, or if I'm just lost in the past. But the essence resonates in a way I suspect holds some direction for finding my current style.

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Interesting reading all the different perspectives! I am glad I am not the only one figuring things out!

Late to this thread, but I'm another newbie/ex-lurker, so I thought I'd add mine...

Classic, simple, relaxed, unfussy, but with just a little bit of fun/color/whimsy

I took a style quiz once and I think I came up with... modern librarian? I'll have to see if I can dig up that result!

I love that: twisted classic. I wish I'd thought of it... or were it!