I can see the street signs, even at night! and the individual leaves, and the bugs, unless I get too close. Then I need readers. Tuesday I had my second cataract surgery and this morning for the first time that last eye was perfectly clear.

I've been nearsighted since I was 12-13, wearing glasses and contacts all these years. Medical science is wonderful. I had my choice of several different lenses to replace the old yellowish faded ones that would be removed. There was a complication that limited my choices, but I chose far and medium sightedness and I am enjoying it.

I do have a couple of drugstore readers that I bought to wear with my contacts. I hope to get the lenses in my new glasses bought last year replaced, but I will have to wait 5 weeks until done with all the eyedrops. And I don't know if replacing these lenses will be worthwhile.

I know I've seen threads about buying glasses online. I would like to get a pair of lightweight readers that I can carry in my bag to use when shopping or trying to read a menu in a dim restaurant.

Anyone have a favorite online site for buying glasses?