I had fancied a brooch(or 3) with a bug on it.
I do not know what triggered this wish ,maybe it was the 3 I had seen in a shop before Christmas.

I wrote to Santa but sadly ,by then,all the bugs had flown and there were none to be had.
I was left all alone ,bugless and sad.

Then ,in early spring,as I wrote on this site,of my longing for bugs,a young woman called Inge detected my plight.She hunted away and then posted to say I have found you some bugs on Etsy-Hurrah!

So because if her kindness ,her sensitivity to my plight,3bugs from Etsy have begun their long flight,from Canada to Wales where they will join me to live;2 on my lapels and one on my sleeve.

So thank you dear Inge for all your hard work.Because of you I m no longer alone and 3 little bugs have a place to call home.