Now, in another post Suz suggested I send in a photo with just tights on to help id my body shape. This is oh so hard, so deep breath, I used my ski longs to reveal the real me. I have always been heavy but the last 2 years I lost 12 kilos (hmmm about 30 pounds) and am now at a life-time low of approx 150 pounds (68 kilos). (and still having a goal to get to about 62 some day- no hurry).

anyway, I am 5'6" (166 cm), and always have had very heavy thighs and I see from the pix a very broad behind. I have assumed I am a pretty pear but from the back photo I look pretty square, and my waist is not as defined as i thought. So maybe I am a brick now? Trying to get used to the new body still after 2 years and I am always surprised at the missing lumps I used to have.

For those advocates of bras, sorry, hardly wear one. I find them so painful and get rashes under the elastic so have not worn one daily for almost 17 years. I do, and will today, but it is once in awhile and only to make the outfit work. If I can get away without, I do. Luckily small chested enough that it is not a pain, and I even run like this, so unless menstruating, I hardly notice the girls.

Any help with id-ing my shape is appreciated and anyone who feels they recognize themselves in this shape, I would like to know because I seriously need help finding out how to dress this new me. I already went through an entire wardrobe after the first rush of happiness after the weight loss but it was trying everything and I found alot of what did not work. So most of that is passed on (and some friends really appreciated my trial and run!) he he.

oh, and Joey came to add moral support (you know, the cat)

Note: pix removed by me after the comments. Just too bold!