Here we go. First, just FYI, I was expecting the Timberlake Glastonbury to be tight in the width, but it's very comfy and roomy. On first impression, though, I thought these made my feet look like big, wide boats. But they've grown on me quite a lot! Uh-oh.

The Borns are equally comfortable and pretty cool in themselves.

I'm not sure what to do....remember that I also bought the Mephisto sneakers and am feeling like I've been quite greedy with the footwear.

Whatever looks like a 10 I will strongly consider keeping.

Bonus pic of Pleione jacket, an Angie pic that also arrived today and I'm really loving it as a light jacket or as a layering piece. Is it looking great? Fits well. Sleeves are a little long on my short arms, but I could scrunch up, or else move the button.

One thing is, the material is dark but I'm sensitive about adding bulk to my chest, and there is a flap that hits mid-breast that I don't want to detract, so I'm pointing it out. Maybe I'm overly concerned about it.

What do you think? Thanks in advance!

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