Off topic Brooklyn - were you affected by the terrible storms last weekend? It just looked very scary from what I saw - I hope you are all well.

Thanks FC. I think we are very similar. I have also had fails with coloured shoes. Even in my favourite dark green! But I think the pattern might make it more versatile than a regular non neutral colour as you say. And I definitely won't feel deprived if I send them back!

Oh, thanks for asking Sally. We cross posted. It was a terrible weekend. We had one of our fences half blow down but no other damage. Not like some people who live closer to the coast. Thankfully things have improved

I just saw this post - I haven't been around much. I ordered the floral boots last week (they haven't arrived & I'm chasing them at the moment). Will let you know what they are like, if & when they arrive. Love the black ones too

I really like the floral boots: yah, the high shaft is nice. They don't scream "Look at me!" ---they just whisper it. I think they'd be a great addition. I can picture you in them with a hobo bag and forest green top

Thanks for the vote of confidence Smittie!
And thanks Caro! How exciting that you have already ordered them! I look forward to your report. I am especially interested in how wide/narrow the shaft is. I don't really want a wider moto boot look, if that makes sense. I have enough Moto boots to last me for some time!

Oh!! They are fabber than I hoped - not Moto at all on me. I have average calfs & proportionally thinner ankles - they could be a bit tighter around the ankle but I want to wear them with thick tights or socks so they will be fine. Sorry for the rubbish photos - these were the best of the lot.

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Oh my, I LOVE them. Thanks so much Caro! Sold!!!