You'd think I have enough sneakers, right? Well, Angie and Suz both saw my well-worn but beloved Linea Paolo black platform sneakers are starting to feel less than great. They still *look* pretty good, but I think the inside is starting to break down a bit. In fairness, I did walk 10 miles in them the first day I arrived in Vancouver -- I had not planned on it but it just sort of worked out that way, and boy were my dogs tired at the end of the day! I'm going to try putting a thin insole in them, and stick with not such extreme wear, but in the meantime I started to look at a possible replacement. Most of the black sneakers out there are either truly sporty looking or a little too flat and insubstantial looking. I really like the presence of the thick white platform on these shoes, and the snip toe is such a great refined detail.

Well, lo and behold, I took a break from a project today and poked around, and it appears Nordstrom has a very similar sneaker by Linea Paolo but in black *denim*. I'm not sure how that will work, comfort-wise, but I've ordered them to try. See the Find below.

For some reason I can't find my old pair in my Finds, and I could swear I had them. I almost gave them away at one point because the heels slipped so badly, but then I found that Ondo invisible socks actually made them wearable! They've been a workhorse ever since. You can see them in the pic here.

Wish me luck! Have you ever successfully replaced a basic like that with very specific requirements? I feel like I'm looking for a unicorn, LOL!