After a lot of indecision I've finally decided to buy a pair of Birkenstock Mayari sandals. I know the on-trend style is the Arizona, but I much prefer the look of the Mayari and I like how they look and feel on my picky feet. But having now decided that, I am torn between getting them in black or white! I don't have casual sandals in either colour right now. They will likely be replacing a much loved but about to fall apart pair of silver and gold sandals, so that makes me lean more toward the white, since I did get a lot of wear out of the lighter colour sandal for summer and never felt the need to add a black sandal into the rotation. But, I have brown hair (seems relevant as I make an effort to up my style and learn more about bookending etc) and the black seems more practical for various other reasons, particularly hiding dirt/scuffs.

Summer casual wear for me tends toward denim or olive green bottoms (sometimes, not often, black) and grey or navy tops (but am trying to move toward some more white tops for summer, part of figuring out my style and filling wardrobe gaps).

I thought I'd see what you wise ladies think. Going that limited information - black or white?
