I find this really odd! I'm neither here nor there about them. But when I was looking for a maxi dress he commented more than once that stripes were just so overdone. lol
Then, last night, as I was showing him my new Stylish Girl app I'd downloaded and how it has a calendar feature where you mark when you'd worn an outfit, he said I'd been wearing my VC tube skirt too much! HA! He said if I'd recorded it I'd see that. Well, since it's been worn maybe 6 or 7 times that I can recall, it's obviously his bias against stripes making him notice when I do wear it. Too funny.
I've heard of folks not liking certain colors or even styles (polo shirts over here) but a pattern as universal as stripes??
So now do I ration out my striped skirt wears or just say to heck with him, I look good?
oops, wrong category - sorry!