I commented on the jeans post about wanting some barrel jeans and Angie suggested I get all your advice - so here I am!

These are the ones I tried. Old Navy so not a large financial investment but I returned them anyway.

The first pic was when I tried them on. Very comfortable and I loved them. But when I started trying them with tops that I would normally wear with jeans they weren't working well at all. I would consider these primarily for winter because they were quite heavy so that is mostly what I was trying them with. Also tried various shoes, as the pictures show.

I think the more cropped/fitted tops worked better but I don't have many of those and didn't want to have to buy some just for these jeans. The larger sweaters did not work at all. I don't necessarily need these to be super flattering but JFE would be nice and I wasn't getting that. I also questioned the length. These were petite but still maybe a smidge too long? I did a small cuff in a few of the pics to try it. I also think the super light color was making me pause. I just find that harder to work with in denim.

My thoughts are that maybe a softer, less stiff pair would work better. Or maybe slightly cropped? Probably don't have to be denim but something that I can wear casually like I wear denim. And part of my hesitation was that I have not seen anyone in real life wearing these - conservative west Michigan city - and know if I feel silly then I won't wear them. But I love the look so want to give it a try. You all have been so successful with this style, any advice is welcome!


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