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Rae, maybe you could find a lace tablecloth at the flea market. Just make a hole for your head and trim to the length? This could be an interesting whiteout outfit with white jeans.
I like it! They styled it a little too boho for me, but there's potential.
And I wouldn't worry that it's limited to thin and tall people. I'm short and I'd be ok with the way it shortens my legs, and I could definitely picture Deborah in this too.
This is an appealing look to my eye, but it may be a bit hard to pull off unless you have some height. It will be interesting to see how this plays out this season.
I can see Caro, Dana, Debra, and Hil in this for sure. And maybe Deborah, but in a black version. I really like it but I don't see it on me, at least without some tweaks.
Ooooh, I like this, especially for our 100+F summers. I think I could actually pull this off, as long as I didn't get too carried away with the oversized bit ...
Parsley I like the idea of this but I do like some structure too. For me the top, skirt and rolled jeans is a little too much. I would prefer this look (if I was wearing it) with a relaxed legging rather than the jeans. As is I would feel too "sloppy". Also i think I would prefer to winterize this look:).
Edit:). Looked again and I think it's a long dress/shirt layered under the top...hmmm.