The last time I was at Butchart Gardens, the pandemic was in full swing and I could wander its pathways almost entirely alone. It was glorious!

Yesterday, I met friends there for high tea and while our tea was delicious and very fresh and it was fun to sit in the old house, which was closed during the pandemic, the gardens were packed with tourists taking selfies at almost every opportunity! Consequently, I didn't get many good photos. There is supposed to be one of me and my friend (taken by her husband) but he hasn't forwarded it. Photo now of the tea and me and my friend! Notice how our outfits were colour coordinated. We did not plan on that. But we do wear very similar colours, despite our different complexions, and these colours suit us both equally, I think.

Nothing new here except the jeans are a this year purchase and they confirm the good sense in Angie's advice to consider current or trendy bottoms.

Despite the crowds, it was a beautiful day and the dahlias were stunning!

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