Thanks, all! I wish I could comment more individually, but I need to hit the sack.
I have some homework to do soon, though!
- Purge all that leave a bad taste from the past (Thanks, Claire! No looking back!)
- Then re-evaluate whether or not I have enough to last through S/S (Several of you asked if I can make do).
- Tailor/Alter if possible
- Identify wardrobe holes (I think proper trousers and a black blazer are probably big holes, but I won't jump up and buy right away).
Thanks especially to those who gave me mental permission to let go of the past. I need to jump in with both feet here, and old baggage would just weigh me down. Seriously, I hated spending $ on my corporate wardrobe knowing my heart wasn't in it... now that my heart IS in it, I should take it seriously and not just "eat leftovers."