Hi, Angie! What a fantastic blog you have! If you have a few moments could you please look at my profile picture and enlighten me as to what body type I am. Do I have a secondary type? How about any other body modifiers (long neck, long rise, etc.) that I need to take into account in order to look my best? I want to add several new pieces to my wardrobe but would like to make sure that I don't end up making many mistakes. I am just over 5'4" and approximately 108 lbs. I have a very small bust (barely an A-cup), but a rounded backside. I had to crop my photo to fit it in the allotted space, but I've always felt that my legs are a bit on the short side (I think I have about a 31" inseam--crotch seam to floor wearing ballet flats). Thanks so much for your help... your information is invaluable!!!