Hello trusted Fabbers,

I've had a case of the February meh's in a few areas of my life and thought I would address my wardrobe woes here to see if you could help. About a year and a half ago on the Forum, I came to an epiphany about my shopping and wardrobe behaviours where I concluded:

1) I need a large closet because I am a mood dresser, I like variety, I have multiple roles, I wear everything I have, and I have a 4 season climate. No more feeling bad about having a maximal closet.
2) BUT my closet was still too big - I went through and purged about half and still had about 200 pieces left!

I have continued to prune my closet and have started using the Stylebook app to manage my wardrobe. As a visual person, this has been tremendous in helping me see and wear what I have, reduce duplication, and create outfits. I also have managed to buy less and focus on what I have, which has been great. I have a wardrobe that I love and I wear everything that I have.

So...what's the problem? That's just it - I don't know. Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed by my clothes and it's taking me a long time to put outfits together despite my saved looks in Stylebook. As well, I'm having trouble putting together weekend outfits I feel good in, and a stubborn weight gain means that clothes I love are no longer fitting (despite hard core workouts - don't even get me started.)

It may just be a case of the dog days of winter, but I can't help feeling like some proactive management is needed. Somehow, despite all my clothes, I feel like things aren't easy to put together into outfits.

Do I need to develop capsules to make it easier to get dressed in the morning? Do I need to prune more? Why does it feel like my closet is working against me instead of working for me when I love everything in it?