There's maxi-dress hate?! I wasn't aware of it. YLF has such a diverse range of styles, there should always be room for something so boho and romantic! I have seen some STUNNING maxi dresses and skirts. I have a couple that I wear in the summer months (much tougher in snow and sleet!) The question is, do YOU like maxis? If so, go for it!

In regards to Zapotee's dress, the only reason I gave it a Nay was I thought it was a bit too casual (print, fit, or fabric-wise) for a wedding, and thought tailored or more 'dressy' was the better way to go. The cut is really important. I love slim column-fit maxis and, when in a certain mood, peasant-style loose style. So many to try out! (P.S. Ankle-length abounds at formal affairs, though, are you kidding?)

I like all the dresses you posted here.

I kind of like it when there are clear distinctions and preferences!

I am not going to run out and get a maxi-dress, but I've seen some maxi styles on Sarah that really do look fab:

I've seen maxi dresses look great on some people, but after trying countless styles myself, I have decided I am not a maxi dress kind of person. I look awful. And while I understand that with a voluminous bottom half the top should be a little more fitted or bare, the tops of a lot of maxi dresses are bordering on obscene on me.

The high-low hem, however, makes a dress or skirt something other than a maxi to me. If it doesn't reach the ankles in the front it ends up being a completely different silhouette, and probably a lot more flattering to those of us who don't look good in regular long dresses.

Longer skirts are occasionally okay on me, provided they are a hippie-chic, boho style and worn with a fitted tank on top. Or maybe they aren't flattering and I just like them anyway!

There aren't any hard and fast rules about maxi dresses, IMO, but the style has stuck because it is so easy for so many people. For me, midis are the answer because they still provide enough coverage for easy movement and modesty, but are a little more flattering because they show a little leg.

Natalie - Here's some of photos of my maxi dress, styled a bunch of different ways. I'm not sure I've posted all of them. They all have a sweater or jacket because I got the dress this winter and it hasn't warmed up enough to wear it plain and the straps are too thin to wear to work without some sort of topper. My work is super casual (my boss regularly wears jeans) so a maxi skirt isn't inappropriate.

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Wow, thanks all for the wonderful insights! Angie, thanks for the links...I think it's great that you stick to your guns, but that you are still so accepting of differing viewpoints.

I just want to say that I love all of the maxi dresses that have been posted on this thread too! Celia, what a dazzling picture in your maxi--I love the pattern mixing. I totally would wear that one. And your statement is brilliant and so should make us happy first and foremost! Auburn, too bad your fiance didn't like the dress because it's really cute. I know how that is when the BF/DH doesn't approve, it really kills the enthusiam--I can sympathize. Sarah and Janet look gorgeous in their maxis too--very glamorous. Sara, I love that black and white ikat print--so crisp and graphic. Chrizzle I would love to see your maxi dresses too--that outfit sounds so hip and so you, esp. with your hair. Zap, I'm glad you're reconsidering the blue & white maxi dress--my maxi dress is in my beach vacation capsule too! Kate Spade had a similar maxi dress to your H&M one, but much more $$$.

I agree with JJ, the skimpy tops are what make most maxi dresses unworkable. I think ethnic prints, bright colors and graphic patterns work really well for casual maxi dresses. I do think I have a bit of boho in me, but it tends to be more Boho Luxe. So this thread was very helpful, because I just had an epiphany! I think I have to go back to my rubric (color, structure, pattern, luxe, and flair) and use those key elements to look for a maxi dress that will work with my style! Thanks for the inspiration everyone!

ETA: I think I found a maxi dress that fits my rubric! It's kind of a bombshell-y maxi with a fitted waist, thicker shoulder straps (bra-friendly), and bright colors and print. And it looks luxe and has a bit of flair too! I'm going to give it a try! It sounds like it's shorter than it looks on the website--hopefully it won't be too short on me. It's a floral, but hopefully doesn't look too much like a nightgown. I can wear this on tropical vacations, and maybe even for casual date night!

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My maxi skirt is wool and tailored. I wore it to an evening reception (picture below) but have also worn it to the office with a white shirt. I do like it but often catch my heel in the hem, have to adjust my regular stride and find it difficult to climb the stairs, for these reasons I will not be adding another to my wardrobe.

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goldenpig, I love your maxi dress. I try not to listen to the naysayers because I love maxi dresses, always have always will. I grew up around fashionistas and I envied how flowy and effortless they looked in their maxi dresses and I associate maxi with summer, no frills ease and style.

With a body type like mine I feel incredibly beautiful in maxis. I have wide hips, I hate my legs so I would never wear shorts or short dresses, and maybe to those who are not encumbered by lower body insecurities they have the luxury of passing up the maxi in favor of the mini. Not me! I absolutely love my upper body eventhough I'm big busted my decolletage is attractive and if the dress is a bit too skimpy I throw on a little cardi or jean jacket, better yet I love the look of a maxi with a leather jacket in the spring/fall and a ballet flat. But generally a maxi for me is a summer staple worn with flat sandals. I consider myself a glammy bohemian so it suits my style and Angie's right, her list of musts is my list of don'ts. We all have different styles and fill our closets with the things that make ourselves feel good. You can't hate an article of clothing just because someone told you to.

I find it very interesting that a few of us who have posted the maxi love seem to describe ourselves as having fuller hips or thighs, and long legs, but not legs we particularly love to show off.

In the right maxi, I feel long and lean, but I know what RoseandJoan is talking about with stairs! I find myself holding up the hem of my skirt when taking stairs.

I am generally a huge casual maxi lover (I prefer a fairly streamlined silhouette vs tiers) and LOVE the ones everyone is sharing in this thread.

[And wow, Celia -- you are pulling off multi-pattern + maxi so well!]

I was at an outdoor party last summer and saw so many women of different heights, shapes, and sizes wearing what Chrizzle calls "haute-Afrocentric" and looking stunning. Wish I had photos to share. [Most dresses appeared to be jersey.] Just a timeless, goddess-y look IMO.

Signed, Still Wearing 10+ y.o. Silk Chiffon Maxi

I loved wearing maxis in my teens, but I passed all the maxis I owned down to my sister in the meantime because they were too small. I'm not actively searching for a new maxi skirt or dress, but I plan to snatch the perfect one up if I stumble upon it. I love how comfortable they are and I never had problems with the length - I always held the hem up without a second thought when I took the stairs. I also automatically smooth my skirt when I sit down on the subway, even if I'm wearing jeans.

GP, OT but my 3.5 year old just selected your orange maxi picture from the lookfab wall as THE one we must click on! I think that's an unequivocal endorsement (and you know I love this look too!)

I think more casual maxi skirts and dresses (with real tops/sleeves) have a place when traveling to hot climates with intense sun-- places you'd like to stay breezy but covered-- particularly in places with conservative cultural or religious values revolving around women. There are many non-touristy parts of the middle east, rural highland mexico, north africa, and parts of asia that I would prefer to be the conservatively and respectfully dressed westerner erring on the side of caution and would employ maxi skirts in a walkable length to do so since they would be cooler and more conservative than trousers.

Likewise, when attending social and religious dancing and events on reservations I choose to wear maxi skirts (or very long midis) if I plan on participating actively rather than spectating as long, loose skirts and dresses are considered the most traditional and respectful thing for a woman to wear in those situations. People can and do wear other things---Jeans are perfectly fine for spectators, but women inside of dance arenas typically dress more conservatively as a measure of respect, cultural member or not.

Outside of these occasions and situations I generally dislike the casual maxi, especially when skimpy up top or paired with dated or frumpy things. It isn't a flattering look on me and don't find it particularly flattering on many other women, although there are some that pull it off flawlessly because of personal style or body type.

Of course, formal maxis are lovely as well.

This is thought-provoking. Thanks for raising the question, Natalie!

Chrizzle, I'd love to see photos of you in your maxis. Your descriptions make them sound wonderful.

Thanks, Amy. If I can get a decent photo, I'll post next time I wear one. As I said, I always like them better in person than in photos.

Yes Chrizzle, can't wait to see your version as well!