Hi all, I thought about this again in one of the other forum threads. It is a great thing about the YLF forum that people can get feedback which is honest, respectful and appreciative. Obviously there are hugely differing ages, backgrounds, styles on the forum. One of the 3 main fashion magazines in NZ has been going since I think 1979, quite a success story. (We can get Vogue Australia etc plus other Australian, USA and UK magazines too, but they don't have as many NZ designers, only the odd one who is successful in Australia or USA- for example, Karen Walker). If we want to see "our" fashion we need the NZ magazines. I felt under a previous editor that a lot of the articles had quite a mean streak and I corresponded ( not with her) with a different fashion editor who used to work at the magazine I was criticising, but had changed jobs. When I had been bullied at one stage in 2007/8 and also gained a lot of weight and was menopausal at the same time, I was trying to rebuild my self-esteem and the magazines didn't help at all. I think I was buying them quite obsessively back then to try to help me with who was I now ( having changed a lot in my religious views at the time) and how could I represent who I was now on the outside? I still buy them, but not in such a hurry and I sometimes miss an issue of the one I am mentioning here- I don't like the new editor either that much, although in a different way. I still like looking at the fresh stuff for the new season is the thing, and it feels pleasant to hold a glossy magazine. Examples: ( quotes I had written in my journal, in 2013)
“ past style crimes”, “without style, you’re nobody”, “if you
have to ask “does my bum look big in this?” the answer is probably yes”, “wear
the tunics with flattering tailored trousers, not leggings”. There is
probably barely a woman in NZ who has not worn tunics with leggings at some
point. I understood that this was going out of favour at that time, but all the same if women
wear what is mainly in fashion, then at some stage it is likely to be looked on
as a past style crime in the future, so while these comments may not be intended
to make women feel bad, they could easily do so and I’m sure I wouldn’t be the
only woman who thought so. in my work as a health professional I don’t regard anyone as “nobody”, I try to
care for them all no matter who or what they are. Of course I realise that
fashion is not as serious as health, but if you feel pleased about how you look,
it can help your self-esteem as well as being fun! So you don’t want to feel put
down I think.
Now that I am on the forum with so many interesting women, I wonder what any of you think and if you keep on buying those magazines? Cheers Jenni