Jumping aboard the slow shop challenge. This year shopping is in fact a real challenge for me, as I recently have been through big physical and personal changes, and am in need of a more practical, flattering and updated wardrobe. I am also on a budget and have limited wardrobe space, so those are all big factors to consider for me. (I am also trying not to obsess to much over style and clothing, even though it has become a major hobby for me, ha ha).

In April I started dreaming about summer for real, so I added pieces for my summer wardrobe. Happy to find my size and the colors I wanted.

I added two longer leg cotton shorts.
Four summer tops (big wardrobe hole).

I am looking for pieces with a more yin quality (as we've discussed here previously). I also want to keep a color scheme, and clothes that easily mix and match.

So six items in total. Quite a lot, but at least well thought out, and all possible work horses for the upcoming season.
Thanks for reading!