Long-time online shopper checking in. What’s not to love about online shopping—delivery to your door, often free or cheap shipping/returns, more opportunities for price adjustments, and greater variety and sizing options. I used to prefer online shopping, but have found the return process to be agonizing slow. It takes weeks for items to be processed using the USPS return label (particularly with Nordstrom), and I’m often anxious that costly orders will get lost in the mail (to say nothing of the credit card balance during this period of flux).

I may end up sitting out holiday clothing shopping or forcing myself to go to stores, just because I don’t want to have to keep track of what items have been refunded. The downside of store shopping, besides potential unavailability, is that you’re often not getting the cheapest price, but the decisiveness and finality may be worth the peace of mind.

Have you ever scaled back online shopping for similar reasons?