I need to keep using discipline and my style goals to “stay in my closet.”

By that I mean, I’ve just about finished gathering most , though not all of my clothes within my closet. I don’t get any awards on being minimalistic or even staying just in my closet because in the bedroom I have 2 dressers that mostly contain casual wear plus some scarves and clutches.What I’m trying to do is have all 4 seasons of work/smart casual-dressy casual in the closet.

Two main motivations:
Seasonal: We actually have 4 seasons plus changeable weather within a given week mid-season. So I want to have more balance over 4 seasons and not over-buy for the hottest or coldest days, and I want access to trans-seasonal clothes instead of doing major season change-outs , and want to re-mix and/or layer a bit more to use more items throughout the year. Exception is I will have to moth-proof store some sweaters for part of the year.

Crossover capsules: I want to wear items more often during the year and then refresh as needed, so want to do more overlapping of work wear with social-wear by being able to use items in both capsules via combinations , footwear or accessories I can’t really wear to work; plus not “save” nice work items just for work. Wear ‘em and update them. When I move stuff out of the closet and out of sight, I miss out on some good outfit possibilities. Or on testing new items across both types of capsules--and across seasons--so it's easier to see if a new piece really adds something.

I did some editing/purging that helped but I can see I’ll have to keep up more discipline. But I think it will be good.

One thing that gave me some more hanging rod room was to move some cabin-cozy casualwear off hangers and out to the dressers. I love to hang everything—even cozy after-work sweaters & tops & flannel shirts and such. That did help keep them in sight and easy to change into after work, but these items are less a part of my remixing plan and also I’m not in a rush or as critical of the results when I wear them, so I’ve moved them to drawers, purged some stuff to make room and vowed to keep that capsule smaller.

I know many people do big seasonal changeovers or simply have such limited space in the main closet that my approach would never work. But I'm trying to focus on it this year in keeping with Team Wear Now/Buy Things That Make a Difference