I’m so sorry that you are going through this, Helena. <Hugs> Sometimes life just sucks, but be gentle with yourself. Try to remember you’ve gotten through this before, and you will again.

I have had many anxious periods in my life (I’m in a doozy right now!) and I’ve accumulated the best tools I can to cope when necessary. Just knowing I know what to do helps tremendously.

Late to this - what a hard time Helena.

I echo what everyone above has said - you are doing the right things to progress so you can take confidence in that.

And you are not alone - so I hope that is comforting.

I just want to add a thought — how wonderful is it that we now live in a time when we can talk about these issues openly? In my mom’s generation it was a source of shame and people mostly stayed quiet about their struggles. I think being able to discuss and share can really help us not feel so alone.

Helena, so many wise words here! I'm a psychologist but all I will add is that this song captures it.

Just checking back in and rushing off at the moment so I can't respond to everyone individually, but have read everything and THANK YOU so much to you all, I'm truly overwhelmed by the kindness and support. Sending love to everyone struggling with this frustrating issue; you're so right Janet, thank God we can at least share with each other which is therapeutic in itself. Appreciate you all so much thank you thank you thank you xoxoxo

And April, this song ... wow ...

So sorry that you are having a bad moment.I am sure that you already know all the things to do that help and that this too will pass.l hope you feel better soon.

Wow, that sounds frightening. I appreciate your sharing these experiences--and how well you articulated what you are going through. I hadn't thought about the "startle reflex" but what an evocative term. I hope you are indeed feeling better, after writing and getting through another day or so.

Sorry this is so late, but I hear you Helena. That crack to your head - I can feel it, and thank goodness it is not serious. I was driving down the street last year and a car pulled straight into me from a side street. Well, I don't know about Toronto, but driving in Israel is next level anarchy. I am more prone to depression than anxiety, but I have a very close relative that suffers from anxiety and I know how debilitating it can be. Anyhow, just sharing some empathy and associations. Take care of yourself!

Have you tried floating to help with anxiety? I did it yesterday (for chronic stress) and thought it may help you.

Oh that's very interesting suntiger, I will do some more research on this - my initial instinct is to worry (irony not lost!) that it might induce more anxiety (I have the same issue with breathwork that is recommended - I do better by counterintuitively doing very high energy things that get my heart and breath rates up).

That said, I do find it incredibly helpful to float in our pool with floaties and my ears underwater and eyes closed, sort of sensory deprivation lite - we opened last week and just waiting for the weather to get a little nicer and then this will be a nightly before bed practice for me.

Sounds like a good nightly ritual to me!

Hi Helena
I’m so sorry to hear about what happened and I hope you’re feeling better. I’ve struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember and it can be extremely debilitating. I still haven’t been able to pass my driver’s exam and have no plans to make any further attempts. My last try was more than a decade ago when I was 21. I’ve also dealt with depression, panic attacks and most recently, agoraphobia, so I have no qualms about discussing mental health issues and I’m so glad that this forum is a space where other others feel comfortable doing the same. What an amazing place and an awesome group of people.

I know this is an older thread, but I wanted to offer my sympathies, as someone who has also struggled with anxiety for most of my life. I also feel like certain traumas have made it worse for me over the years, even when I feel like I am now at an age where I should be managing it better. For me, it is usually triggered or intensified by unpredictability and chaotic situations, so I find I am kind of spiraling lately as we are in the middle of renovations and I’ve been away from home and my routines and safe space for so long, feeling like there is no end in sight, and very much a sense of uncertainty.

I hope you are in a better place at the moment, I can very much understand how those events would be triggering. I could never get comfortable in traffic, and also don’t have a driver’s license.

Anyway, I am also thankful for this place being a safe space to vent, and for providing a nice escape for me when I need to get my mind off difficult things.