Hi all, just need to vent some anxiety and I know this is such a safe and supportive space where I can just get this all out of my system in words, which will hopefully give me a little mental space to find some calm! Thank you in advance for letting me do so

So Easter Monday I was cleaning a spill off the floor and not realizing I'd shuffled under the countertop, I stood up quickly and hit my head hard on the corner of the granite. I did not knock myself out but it was enough that I was seeing stars. Most of you know I struggle with "generalized anxiety disorder" and one of my big triggers is a phobia around brain injuries ... so suffice it to say this was enough to trigger a panic attack. Cue supportive husband and sister in law, and I got calmed down and to the ER and was checked out and all was well except for a nasty bump and headache. But my nervous system was really kicked into a bad spiral and I've been pretty keyed up in the weeks since.

Fast forward to yesterday, and driving slowly down a parking lot row, a car suddenly backed out of his spot and hit me (fun fact: driving is another hot button for me *sigh*). I rationally know from where the impact was that there was nothing I could have done to prevent it - he must not have looked at all frankly as he hit towards the back of my car, i.e. I was well on my way across his spot when he backed out - but suffice it to say it was another adrenaline rush, and this morning my hypervigilance has been turned all the way up, and my startle reflex is in rare form.

I've been here before and I know what I need to do - exercise, sleep, meditate & breathe - but I'm feeling discouraged and exhausted from this seemingly endless loop that I think I'll always be dealing with.

I know there are much worse problems people have to face, and I am so blessed and privileged to have medical care available and supportive family to help me. But as my Mom used to say "everyone's toothache is their own" and my toothache is particularly painful just now

Anyways thanks for letting me get that out of my system ... hoping having written it down, my mind might settled down a touch.

Love to everyone that is also having a tough time right now, and love to those feeling good too xoxoxo