Inspired by Carla, I tried on my unworn skirt one evening. Fits well, pull on, seems ok. Lots of tops in my closet to go with it.

It's a J Crew skirt bought on sale, an "in case" I need/want to wear a skirt. So far unworn.

So put it on today and oops, it's a little clingy. I no longer own a slip. Looked online and learned I could spray it with hair spray instead of anti-static spray. Who knew?

I noticed it has a smudge of something from hanging in the front of my closet for more than 6 months. Polyester, so can wash it.

This is not a top I'd wear with it, just what I happened to have on this morning.

Another case of buying something "in case"? Does hair spray work?

Thanks to Carla to bringing it to my attention.

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