Given the difficult year I've had, I was not expecting to do much of anything this holiday season. Our 2 sons, in their 20's, have not both been home for the Christmas week since before the pandemic, so I assumed one or the other likely wouldn't come in.

But they are here!

Not only are they home, they're in our living room right now playing music together. Even though they both played instruments when they were younger, this collaboration is a first....and it's an original song written by our older son, who has written a song every day of 2023. He's on piano and singing, and his brother is on guitar and harmonica. They actually sound really good!

Parenting, even of mostly amazing kids, has been very hard. Especially the young adult years. Even if I wish I could change some serious things that they've both had to deal with (thus, Lou and I have doubly dealt with), I'd go back 29 years and do it all over again. Every second.
Not going to lie, I needed this.

My heart is full. Hope there are nice surprises for everyone in these waning days of 2023. Peace.