I recently replaced my black skinny jeans via eBay and they are super long and a lighter/stretchier fabrication than my old ones (same brand/style, go figure!) Since I need to hem them anyway I'm thinking of going ankle length as an update. Skinnies are not a great proportion for me but I find them a useful neutral backdrop. All that said, I took a few photos at the ankle length I think is best for my body (right on the ankle bone) styled with a few different shoe options. Anyone who can weigh in soon with thoughts/suggestions about the length please do! Also I'm curious if anyone out there would taper these more. I'm thinking not, but I can do that alteration fairly simply if it would help. I'll be starting this project soon for better or worse.

One extra question about the final two photos. I always tend to cuff my skinnies with flats to show ankle. I have short legs so it seems like this would be a bad idea but it looks better to my eye, maybe providing some balance for my curvier hips? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated too! I can't seem to figure it out on my own.

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