My relationship with black color is a life long love affair. Black is my most used neutral. Black footwear is dominant in my wardrobe and I just love these “perfect black” items - like the perfect black blazer, pants, suit, boots, bag - well, the list goes on and on. And yet, I often feel I should have more variety, skipping black in my outfits, wear other neutrals. Sometimes I feel that black gets boring, that I am a bit invisible in black. Sometimes thinking it is a lazy, uninterested option, too easy perhaps.
Here, on the YLF, some members actively eliminated or decreased the number of black items in their wardrobes. I wonder sometimes, how much of my occasional resistance to black comes from the inside - a need for more color induced dopamine, IYKWIM And whether and to what extent I get influenced by other people’s preferences re black.
In periods, I do actively try to avoid too much black in my outfits, only to come back to wearing black again soon and thinking it is the best there is….

It is not really a “problem”, I am just curious …

What is your relationship with black in your wardrobe? Do you think about it as well?
Or do you have your own “black” you are loving and then not loving any more, and then go back to it again (perhaps navy, or olive, or grey) ?