I'm a day behind, but to Angie's point about only buying sale items when you know they are quality: I've been watching cotton sweaters since the spring, when they were priced higher than I was willing to pay. I bought from Brooks Brothers last year a cable cotton sweater in a soft orange-pink stripe that looked in silhouette much like Angie's RL.

Well, BB is on sale again in just a few colors and sizes. I have an order coming, and it's a fair price--almost half the original. Just a heads-up for anyone else interested:


That said, I did buy Me&Em cream leather fisherman sandals last summer at full price, which is no small number if you know the brand's shoe pricing. I'm delighted to have the shoes. I wear them constantly, with shorts and work dresses, especially now that bunions have developed seemingly overnight (Aging is so much fun!). I'm through my second year with them and they are hardy--good as new for next year. So there's a story of purposefully stalking a sale and buying full price when the pickin's are good!