All the culottes and wide legs and crops have me considering a shift away from my volume over skinny formula I've been using for the last year or two.

But I'm intimidated by all the fit and proportion issues I have to get right. How do you deal with all of that and finding the right item? I feel like I would need a marathon try on session of pants to figure out the right fit, but being petite, that would require a ton of online shopping from different sources since the mall isn't going to come through with 20 pairs of petite 12 culottes.

I also feel like a big part of making the wider bottoms work on my shirt self is going to involve bringing some structure somewhere in the top. With my Apple tum, that's not as simple as a fitted shirt. Tucking and half tucking tend to just leave me all lumpy and bumpy.

Any words of wisdom or tips and tricks over how you go about a proportion change without spending a year of dedicated work on it? Maybe this is just evidence of how hard to fit I am?