DS#2 was experiencing storage problems with his clothes (he has a dresser, but doesn't have a closet) so I showed him the KonMari method of folding and we worked together to tidy up his dresser. He ended up with one completely empty drawer after the project, so some items he was storing in milk crates found a home as well. I told him Marie Kondo thinks clothes are happier in drawers.

DH was so impressed by DS's neat drawers, he asked me to help him get sorted. We were able to relocate all his sweaters from an inconvenient closet shelf into a drawer in the dresser. DH especially likes being able to see all his (golf) shirts!

I don't actually use the method for my own clothes, though!

Have you tried the KonMari folding for clothes? Is it working for you?

#1, #2, #3, #4 - DS's drawers (T-shirts, sweaters, sports bottoms, pants and shorts)

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