Angie's recent post about items and colors that make you happy has gotten me thinking. I was able to come up with a list of things, and that really helped to see my wardrobe in a new light and think harder about what I want to add as time goes. Then yesterday a question was asked on the radio "when do you feel your most beautiful?" The question, combined with the answers from the DJs and listeners (men and women alike) distilled it down even further. That question prompted everyone to divulge only one or two things, and not for the sake of brevity. They just knew exactly what it was. Most of them mentioned hair as one thing, and an item of clothing as another (fresh haircut and a great fitting pair of jeans; newly shaved head with a sports jacket). Others were able to nail down one thing, such as being well-rested. One man even said that one specific day of face stubble growth made him feel fantastic. I just thought it was so interesting. In a world of multiple choices and a broad spectrum of things that make us feel wonderful, I was surprised how easily people could come up with an instant, enthusiastic, and succinct answer. This is me at my very best. I guess we all know that we can't spend our entire lives with the perfect hair growth and wearing that one amazing dress, but I kind of think that the answer to this question could come in handy in situations where we want to feel our best, or in narrowing down overwhelming choices.
My answer - I was paralyzed at first, but took a minute to breathe and imagine the times when I felt the most beautiful, and what came to me was hair completely away from my face, and an open neckline. That's it. So simple... but also kind of mind blowing, (I will neither confirm nor deny whether that revelation is to blame for three new tops that I suddenly had to choose from in my closet this morning...)
Does anyone care to share yours? (And feel free to substitute any word for "beautiful" that fits your needs, as I know that words like "pretty" and "beautiful" don't carry the same connotation for everyone. I enjoyed how seamlessly the men on the radio adapted to the spirit of the question.)
Disclaimer: sorry if this has been covered on another post before. I feel like we have talked a lot about this type of thing, but I can't remember an exact thred like this. So feel free to point me to that one if it's been done before,