

Some good gems here:

“I used to be a very humble with my physical qualities,” says Fontanel. “I thought I was horrible in pictures. I thought that I was un-photographable. I thought I was ugly because when someone was coming to take a pic[ture], I was afraid and I was upset, so the pic[ture] was awful. When I had my first iPhone, I started to take pictures of myself, and I started to discover that actually I was not so ugly, and that I was able to look at myself the first time in my life with gentleness.

“In France, we have style but the problem is that this style could be so boring. This is the same for every woman: In the upper class in Paris, you have a slim jean, you have ballerinas [flats], you have a simple tee shirt, you have a gray coat, and then your hair is with no artifacts [accessories]. This is a typical French woman. For me, it’s very, very boring, so I try everything. I try everything just to see if it is okay. I am 54, so everyone is like, ‘Okay, you have to wear this type of clothes. Very boring, just a gray sweater and large pants,’ which I like to wear. But today, I have painter pants, very dirty ones. They are white but with paint on it. I bought them in Brooklyn. I have big, big yellow wool socks. I have very big shoes. It’s freezing here in Paris, and I have a big man’s shirt with very, very big sleeves, like double [the length of] my arms, with a tiny vest and jacket. While I was walking in the street for coffee, two people came to me to say, ‘May I take a pic[ture] because I love your look.’ Maybe we need more people inventing themselves. I’m not ashamed at all to try things.”