2024 years was a great year for my growing collection of bags. I added 5 bags, some of those were HEWIs like a nice backpack, straw bag and a crossbody with black hardware. I sold a couple, too.

My 2025 goal is simple - no more crossbody bags.
I only started to wear crossbody bags in 2021. After pandemic I had to buy a bag for my office laptop and it was too big for casual wear, so I started wearing crossbody bags as everyday kind of bags. I like to keep my hands free and usually don’t carry much stuff. The issue I had with them, however is that some straps were too long on me and I don’t like how a strap cuts into lightweight fabric across my chest when worn other summer clothes.
In 2025 I want to add a couple of shoulder bags so I will have variety in my collection. It has a challenge, too - I have narrow, sloping shoulders and some bags slide right off. But I want to try. Below, is one of the bags I consider.
Are you looking to add new bags in 2025?

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