Very good resolutions. I try to follow them but don't always succeed. Regarding skincare, I now enjoy using the anti-aging Nuy Botox effect creme. I also want to eat more vegetables and start exercising again.

Eating more vegetables and exercising regularly has many benefits for me. Eating more vegetables makes me feel more energetic and healthier. It helps my body get all the necessary nutrients. In addition, exercising enough makes me physically stronger and mentally sharper. It improves my fitness and helps reduce stress. Eating vegetables and exercising together contribute to a healthy lifestyle that keeps me happy and full of energy.

LJP - my dermatologist says when buying "natural" skin products, always check the ingredients list. Her comment: "Drunk Elephant is the worst!" Lots of hidden irritants in there, apparently.

Irina, my non-fashion goals this year are as follows.

Nurture my reading life and reduce my screen use. As a birthday gift to myself, I signed up for a 4-part course starting in mid-March on simultaneous reading of David Copperfield and Demon Copperhead. These are 64 chapters each, but I did the math and two chapters a day of each will wrap them up shortly after the course starts. These are both re-reads for me but I first read the Dickens as a sophomore in college, which would be 41 years ago, so...

Do more things I don't do every day. Examples of this would be ignore a daily chore once in a while to do something new that's purely for fun, or for its newness. Mr. A and I are terrible creatures of habit and routine and it's important to keep everyday life from going stale.

Continue on a path of "realism for right now" while practicing gratitude. I must find ways to adjust to the fact that my physical abilities are deteriorating and will not likely improve. I can work to maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, but there's not a damn thing I can do about increasing tremor in my dominant hand. I can boo hoo about it or I can let people know that certain things they've come to expect from me (e.g. elborate handmade greeting cards) are no longer possible in a way that's pleasing to me. And of course, as I've spoken of many times here, Mr. A and I must also move to a more accessible house and grounds. I HATE being the cause of that but I am the cause of it so its time to find the things to hold gratitude for: that my illness was stable for many years before hitting this progression, that I can still do what I can still do, that Mr. A and Little Mr. A enjoy robust health.

Lord, that was a downer! Must remember I am a DRAGON - the only mythical animal in the Chinese zodiac. Another thing to feel grateful for.

A friend who swims laps every day who suggest finding out when the pool or at least some lanes were not in use. Verey your strokes to not over do some repetitive movements that will give you a frozen shoulder or something.

Joy, thanks for your advice. I had a “tennis elbow “ problem recently, maybe it was due to repetitive movements. I try to change styles when I swim, unfortunately I only able to go to the pool in the mornings before work. So everyone else, too