(following on from my 2022 review post):

I find it difficult to look back without also looking forward at the same time, so here - doing my YLF homework early

2023 GOALS:

A ~ Experiment with shine & texture - My satin cargo pants & open knit jumper have become such hits, & I'm now so picky with exact colours in my wardrobe (see goals #B & #C below), that I think I need to start exploring these alternate ways to add visual interest instead (even casually)

B ~ No more green, unless it's the perfect shade - i.e. deep & warm mossy chartreuse (not acidic) & petrol teal/ kingfisher 'blue' (not emerald green)

C ~ No more off-white/ cream - The plan is to slowly replace it with a golden saffron (deep 'nude'), or camel (light neutral) as appropriate (e.g. at work?)

D ~ Upload my wardrobe to Finds!
- This should be the year where I FINALLY stop working in academia & 'slow' down (to 'just' one part-time job & an MA(!) lol), so I'll have to dress for fewer events. I also anticipate moving back home in 2024, so it would be wise to dial back on purchasing, & instead record SYC-ing here**

E ~ Start my Alterations Pile!
** I can't say I won't shop AT ALL this year, because I do still have HEWIs, but I want to be better about letting go once I've found a replacement. So this should help - I've bought things in the past because I forgot I had a version of it waiting to be repaired (oops)! But I took photos & categorised my pending alterations this year, which helped to cut down on this issue (& extra donations) considerably.

Whew, navel gazing over - you've got good stamina if you made it this far, lol!