Adding to Covid Chaos, we endured a five-month home
renovation, I started a new hybrid work schedule, and our daughter moved across the country. I gained just over 10 lbs. I want to believe its muscle bulk since I lifted weights while my Pilates equipment, treadmill, and bicycle sat under plastic to protect them from dust, however, menopause and stress eating are also possibilities. I had to sort and shuffle my wardrobe to remove snug items. I set a 6-month deadline, and if I am not able to fit back into the snug items, I will give them away. Despite everything,.my general style preferences and color palette remains consistent over time. I rely primarily on solid neutrals
and specific colors, very little pattern, and enjoy using texture to create contrast in my outfits.
Angie’s SIMPAT Style post resonated with my current sensibilities. My longstanding style statement: Genuine Composed seems compatible with SIMPAT style. I am rethinking my style adjectives for 2022: Sleek, Classic, and Fresh work well for me but I am less certain of Practical and Light. I may switch the adjective Practical to Functional. The change is subtle, however, in my thinking,
the word functional combines multiple aspects of Angie’s SIMPAT Style -Practical, Manageable, comfortable (comfort for me is Therapeutic), and sustainable). I am considering a switch to “fun” instead of “light”, making my proposed adjectives: Sleek, Classic, Fresh, Functional and Fun. It’s more alliterative and easier to remember, however, “light” may better represent the positive emotional qualities of joy and happiness, while also signaling that the clothing I choose is not heavy, chunky, dark, oversized, or ornate, etc.
I welcome suggestions here??
A goal accomplished this year has been learning how to care for my long hair. YLF friends helped me locate good resources. Gigi suggested two curly hair courses. I purchased Atoya’s Curl course which was fun and helped me target hair products appropriate for my low porosity, coarse, thick, wavy hair. I use Innersense hair products which are pricey, and my scalp no longer feels itchy between washings, and frizz is under good control even on humid days. RoseandJoan’s suggestion for
styling day 2-4 hair works wonders! I have waves and curls every day of the week! Many thanks for all the helpful suggestions!
In 2021 I replaced a necklace that has pendants representing the chemical structures of some neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, etc). To my eye, it looks interesting and suits my professional role. I admit it’s quirky, not classic, but it is the sort of quirky I like and perhaps it's "fun".
My footwear needs for fall/winter have shifted slightly. Office space large enough for social distancing is hard to find in the schools where I work, so I am often sent to a conference building situated across the parking lot from the school. I encounter puddles and ice multiple times a day as I walk between the two buildings. Not wanting to constantly switch footwear I am relying on lug soled shoes, sneakers, and low-heeled weather-resistant boots. My favorite statement shoes from The Office of Angela Scott are collecting dust.
My daughter aptly told me I suffer from “single item functional fashion fixedness” (more alliteration), meaning I do not change up
how I wear an individual article of clothing and as a result, to get variety in my outfits, I end up purchasing more than I might otherwise need. Therefore, for 2022, one of my goals is to be more flexible and creative in mixing the pieces I already own into new combinations with an
eye towards making fewer purchases. To aid my efforts, I realized it would be helpful to accurately record what I wear and to analyze it.I have experimented with writing my daily outfit choices on a calendar. My experimental tracking has been consistent enough that I feel ready to commit to tracking my outfits for the first three months of 2022.
I expect to add some hand-knit items to my wardrobe in 2022. Knitting has recently become both a therapeutic and social hobby (I attend a knitting group at the Local yarn store once a week) with the benefit that what I make may fit and be useful. However, I am currently knitting with an intention to improve certain skills, not to enhance my style or wardrobe. I am unlikely to count my hand-knit items among my wardrobe purchases in 2022.
Other than finding a new swimsuit that fits, I do not have any major wardrobe holes to fill in 2022. In 2021 I had some success updating my style by adding colored denim jeans in modern cuts. Even though I cannot identify anything I need at present, I want my wardrobe
to remain fresh and modern. In the past, I have made purchases randomly and impulsively. In 2022 I would like to channel my emotion and temper it with intentionality and mindfulness. To accomplish this, I believe the best approach would be to focus on updated versions of my wardrobe essentials and or some modern statement items. Wild card items are always possible but should obviously be the most limited, and trendy among my purchases. In 2021, for example, I purchased some barrel-cut denim jeans which do not fit my style aesthetic, yet I loved the comfort and variety they provided and committed to wearing them regularly.
Using the concept of 5-piece French Wardrobe appeals as a way to
improve the intentionality of my purchases in 2022. Of the purchases I made in 2021, 33 were replacements of basic items and 11 were either updated essential pieces, statements, or a wild card. I believe I can commit to the limit of 5 new items per season not counting
replacement items. I will continue to maintain a one in one out strategy, although I have generally removed more than one item for every new item purchased over the past two years. Knowing that my outfit choices have skewed more casual, one of my first goals in 2022 will be to review my list of essentials. The 2021 list includes camisole tops which I
wore under blazers, however, I am now more prone to wearing tees and sleeveless blouses than camisoles. I still feel drawn to sharp tailored pieces, knits, sleek long vertical lines, and geometrics. I am
seeing my aesthetic as less classically feminine but not masculine either. I’m not sure androgynous would be a good description. I am looking for some quiet edge, and perhaps some subtle quirkiness to add interest to my otherwise simple and modern classic wardrobe in 2022.
Thanks for reading! Happy New Year!