Even though I was not active on the forum a year ago, I was reading the blog, and so did do a style assessment at the end of last year. So interesting to see how much is different and how much is just the same!

My 2019 style notes were:
- Feminine, modern, classic, intentional put-together, approachable, dark

(“Dark” was a little note-to-self to remind me not to get too swept up in seasonal color enthusiasm, and to stick with the black palette that works for me!)

For 2020, my style notes are (for now):
- Classic Soft Elegant

In many ways, this says the same thing in fewer words: “soft” combines “approachable” and “feminine”; “elegant” combines “intentional” and “put-together.” I think I’ve given up on “modern” for the time being, too, but there’s a stylishness in elegance (at least for me) that includes freshness.

Color: Surprise, surprise, I had a terrible time picking a hero color last year (perhaps that’s where “dark” came from? Haha), but looking back, camel was an important accent for me in 2019. I’ve learned that I do better seeing what comes down the pike and what my needs are in the moment than planning too far ahead, so only time will tell if there’s a new accent color in the cards for me in 2020: perhaps!

Shopping: I have no specific goals about my wardrobe in the new year beyond maintaining what I feel is a great foundation of classic pieces in neutral colors which support the life I lead, both professionally and otherwise. I would like to make fewer mistakes, and contributing to YLF has been helping me to do that.

Here’s to a great 2020 for everyone!