Yep, I've already figured out some stuff about how I dress, and it's only been a couple of weeks! Here is my 2018 goals post as a refresher, though I'll reproduce my goals below in short form.

What I have learned:

  • I must be much more picky about things I keep, especially relating to how tops fit me. I like a more relaxed silhouette than I used to, but the fit and length should be right. Petite sizes are an option for me here that I need to go to more. I’m borderline petite on top, but it depends on how long I want the top to be.

  • I don’t like having outfits with too many pieces in the winter. At least, I don’t have time in the mornings to figure out which cardigans go with which tops. When I find a combo that works, I repeat endlessly and get bored. Most of the time, I opt for a warm pullover or lighter top with a shawl I keep at work (very blah shade of grey but technically goes with everything). I am drawn to cardigans and other toppers, strongly, but I need to stop buying in this category until I can figure out how to wear them enough. (I am searching for a long black cardi but having trouble finding just the right one. It's becoming a HEWI. This is an exception to this rule.) Some on the forum have suggested layering underneath with Heattech. That will help me wear some of my blouses in the winter, if not help with the problem of wearing the cardigans I have.

  • I like my outfits (excluding accessories) to have ONE standout piece. While I do like bold colors pattern and and shine, I’m not a fan of mixing those things very much in one outfit.This means i need a selection of plainer tops and bottoms around. I already kind of knew this, but this is a stronger articulation of it than I've made before.

  • Once I try to fill a hole, or decide I like a new style, I end up buying too much. I should remember that my style is eclectic and I get bored easily, so I shouldn’t have too much of any one type of item. See my post on blouses for more on this. So for instance, now that I've decided I need more winter pants options, my goal is to add 2-3, not 5-7. (I think I have two and will stop looking actively; will also do a kind of winter pants lab post detailing what I have and trying to figure out what stops me from wearing some of them.)

  • I get bored of pieces after a while. Instead of buying more, maybe I should put some aside and then pull them out so things feel fresher. I was never attracted to capsule wardrobes before, but maybe I should be, now that I’ve realized this! But in reality, I’d get bored even quicker of the capsule items.

  • I added a new goal (see bottom of list below)
2018 goals:

Buying fewer items: doing well. Not perfect. I should try a shopping freeze next month, but I'm scared of going nuts afterwards. Moderation is the key.

More pants options: doing well, trying to be judicious about what I keep to make sure they pair with enough items I own.

Fewer flowy tops: You all helped me pare this down a bit. I have one I bought that I'm currently debating keeping, though, but it might pertain better than the others I currently have to my new professional capsule (see new goal below)

Pare down summer wardrobe - n/a as yet

Figure out how to layer more - see conclusion above, but I have a lot of long cardigans and want to keep wearing them. It’s been hard because I’ve been keeping them somewhere harder to get at in the morning, when I’m in a rush. Planning the night before would help, but I know I’ll forget most of the time.

Add more pink and red: I hope to do this over time. I am trying to get a red sweater but failing to find true red. Everything seems to be secretly orange these days. I ordered a sweater that looked good online but was orange. Looked nice, but it wasn't what I wanted.

Wear my skirts and dress - I wore a skirt as soon as it warmed up this month. I have some wool skirts I can pull out.

NEW: Replenish professional capsule: I now have more of a need for this due to a professional organization where I've recently gained a leadership role. I think (but am not sure yet) need things that aren't quite suits but a little dressier than my usual office wear. I’ve added some trousers for winter and a dressy sweater.My old dressier clothes stopped fitting, and since my lifestyle changed I didn't replace too many. I have basic black and navy trousers, plus a black wool blazer, and a few shells in nice colors. I used to have fun patterned pencil skirts and have retained a couple (the rest stopped fitting). I don't know yet what other holes I might have in this area. I suspect the main one is something I've mentioned before - a dress in something like navy that's appropriate for the colder months. Also a non patterned button down top (probably will get both these items from Boden at some point). It will be a fun challenge trying to dress up a bit but remain true to my own style quirks.

NEW: Style words! "Bold, eclectic urban whimsy." Maybe? I suck at describing my style. Eclectic is kind of the operative word