I've loved reading everybody's insights into 2017, and their resolutions and aspirations for 2018. Thank you for posting them - as a collective community, you never fail to challenge me, awe me, and inspire me with your wisdom and your creativity!
2017 has felt like a pretty good year for my wardrobe: for regularly editing and curating, for planning, and for moving forward. I sorted my color palette (I hope to have a post on my blog about that tomorrow), and I streamlined things with the intent of making the rest of my life easier, smoother, forward-moving.
When I think about my 2018 style goals, I realize that it isn't a stand-alone thing for me. There are a lot of things I want to accomplish this coming year...
For one... I see where the #metoo movement is in danger of faltering and ultimately not going anywhere. In 2018, I want to write about women's issues, I want to advocate for women. Womens' rights. Womens' equality socially, in the workplace, in our personal lives, sexually, intellectually. I want women to come together as a whole, to support other women, because how we treat each other... ultimately determines how men treat women.
For another, I'm starting to get a lot more artistic work, and I want my life - and wardrobe - and style - as streamlined as possible, so that I can get on with what I want to do. I don't want to sink a lot of time and personal anguish into what outfit I'm wearing.
I want my clothing to be comfortable, to be chic, to be sexy, to not be sexy, to inspire, to stand out, to celebrate, to conceal, to blend in... basically, I want my clothing to support whatever role I'm currently in for the day. I want my clothes to express who I am inside. I want to feel joy every time I put something on.
So that's my style goal for 2018. If I had to sum it up in a few short words: Streamlined, joyful and with a purpose.