Staysfit's "not moderate post" sounds like me. I am very much somebody who has "projects" that I like to devote complete attention to. "Becoming more fashionable" was one of those projects. "Bathroom Reno" would be another one (in the works). The projects are a good way to burn off a lot of my introverted energy. I find that when I refocus my energy on other non-fashion projects, my interest in shopping falls away and it's easy to stay away from the malls.
I'll tell you what doesn't work for me: a monthly budget for clothing. It caused shopping to be on my brain all the time (not good). As well, the budget prohibited me from getting expensive things because I was constantly thinking about how much I spent the month before and how I didn't want to go over budget.
Another thing that doesn't work for me: copying the stylish people on YLF. I love what other people wear but think I'm overly influenced by how they look in their clothes. I actually need to *ignore* YLF a bit.
In 2017, I'm going to shop in chunks a la Suz and Angie, so maybe two big shops a year. I want to be laser focussed during those sessions.
Then once I've finished shopping, I'm done except for socks and underwear until the next big shop, and I'll have a couple of projects to keep my brain stimulated during these times. (For me, socializing and excercising is not enough to keep me stimulated. Nor is work, haha!)
I know I went on about myself there. It helps to crystallize my thought.
I definitely think your shopping fast is a good idea. I don't think it's healthy to be wanting to buy stuff all the time. I actually think sales shopping IS healthy and totally rational, but can understand your point if you feel like you're not getting what you want out of your wardrobe or you feel like a slave to sales.