After discovering YFL and mostly lurking for months, I have stepped out of my comfort zone and bought some higher heeled shoes - the Clarks Clarene Award Wedge Sandal. It may be the highest heel I've worn since I was in my 20s. But soo comfy. And suddenly I'm tall! For me....

But the wedge presents some styling challenges. I made a fun pair of very light draped rayon pants yesterday to wear with them and can't seem to find the right hem length.
#1 is PPL I think, but I find it too puddley - there isn't enough leg width for it to go down the heel.
#2 and 3 are the length that is more comfortable, but does it look OK? And what tops/accessories would you wear with these pants?
#4-7 are a wider leg Roxy linen pant which I think I've hemmed correctly, but again not sure what to wear with it. The blue floral top is my best current option, but I'm not sure if it should be tucked in. I think I tend toward inverted triangle, petite (5'"2) and short waisted so I rarely tuck. I don't know how to make the faux and partial tucks that so many of you rock.

Any suggestions for tops/accessories for both pairs of pants are welcome.

Note: Not having worn sandals in many years, I just realized how much work having to show your toes is! I had to put nail polish on for the first time in a decade before I would take a picture. I copied Angie's white toe look because I had some from a craft project. Fun, but I think I need a professional pedicure now. Perhaps another first next week!

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