Scrolling through social media, I ran across a style post that has now popped back into my mind a couple of times in the last few days, so I thought I’d share. True to form, however, I can’t even remember who it was who shared this idea — oops!

The thought was “Do I WANT to wear this?” It was applied to a closet editing session but I think it applies when shopping as well.

Usually wardrobe editing focuses on the question “do I wear this?” And that idea is valid, however the poster pointed out that sometimes we default to wearing things over and over again not because we love them but because they are what we are currently comfortable in. By asking ourselves “do I want to wear this?” we are pushing ourselves to figure out how to wear things we love so we can use and enjoy them, rather than sticking with habits that may or may not be making us happy, and meanwhile getting rid of things we “love, but don’t wear.”

I found this idea useful when pulling out some items to rotate into my closet for warmer weather. Not only did it make me consider ways to wear something that I love but doesn’t get much play, but it also made me put a few very old summer tops in the donate pile, and offer up two pairs of shoes that are very nice and serviceable, because if I’m honest, I just don’t want to wear them. I have enough other things that I DO want to wear!

How about you? Have you ever used this question while editing your closet? Is it helpful? I can see it being useful for those of us who have large wardrobes, but also for those who tend to focus on practicality to the point where they feel they need to inject more fun.