If your wearables are causing skin irritation, have a look at Allure’s tips on how to avoid getting a rash from your fitness tracker.

Do skincare products expire? Here’s when and why you should throw out certain formulas.

With sunnier weather on the horizon in the northern hemisphere, the risk of sunburn increases. Read on for tips from dermatologists on how to get rid of your sunburn fast.

Also have a look at how to prevent and treat sunburn on your lips.

Fab Links from Our Members

Vildy recommends Imogen’s very thorough blog post on pants fit with plenty of photo illustrations. She adds: “Very helpful if you want to explain to a tailor what and how to correct something or, of course, for DIYers.”

Vildy also found this Guardian article about the unknown toxicity in cosmetics, most particularly unregulated in the US, pretty sobering.

Nuancedream has been salivating over the return of glamour. Ladies Day at the Grand National at Aintree racecourse does not disappoint! 

ZoeyGirl thought “Queen Elizabeth’s Favorite Handbag Brand Launches New Retro Style in Honor of Queen’s Jubilee” was a fun read.

Cat2 likes the sound of this Adidas & Allbirds collaboration, featuring a ‘low-carbon’ sneaker.

Brooklyn enjoyed and identified with this post from Adina at Blue Collar Red Lipstick about adapting your style to a work-from-home lifestyle and other changing needs.