Freelance writer Nilgin Yusuf opines that 2022 is the year to make up for the lost lipstick years.

In her article she also links to this older post about why putting on lipstick makes you feel so awesome, which is also worth a read.

The Guardian investigates if you can make your own lipstick with wax, oil, and food dye.

With a whole range of shades available in snap-in-snap-out, plastic-saving canisters, is it time to ditch the single-use lipsticks and embrace refillables?

Fab Links from Our Members

Runcarla thought this article about politics and platform shoes was interesting.

Suz enjoyed this New York Times article on how TikTok is bringing Kibbe types to a whole new generation.

Stagiaire Fash directs us to “Should leopards be paid for their spots?” She adds: “I find the idea of a ‘tax’ of sorts for a preservation fund appealing, but also galling when you line up the idea of paying leopards for their spots next to ongoing cultural theft of specific patterns and ways of wearing things.”

She also finds it adorable how Russell Westbrook, a hard-charging basketball player, is so proud of this sweater with a drawing his son, Noah, made of the two of them. 

Lastly, Stagiaire Fash thought this Instagram demonstration might come in handy for those who hate sorting their undergarments

Forum member Brooklyn’s recent Bracelet as necklace post led Mary Beth to Adina J of BlueCollarRedLipstick and her concept of style avatars and wardrobe planning: “She has several posts and updates throughout her website, but in this one she really digs into the workings of her process, and how she applies it to her every day fashion life.”