Embrace, a documentary by body image activist Taryn Brumfitt, explores the global issue of body loathing and the alarming rates of body image issues that are seen in people of all body types.

The Cut’s Wrinkles in Time series is “investigating the effects of gravity on the female form.” What Stella Bugbee writes in her article “Can Age-Shaming Be the Next Fat-Shaming?” really resonates with me:

“Seeing images of older women treated as normal and beautiful has a profound effect on me. Much like scrolling through the feeds of curve models, it recalibrates my sense of the ordinary and expands my visual vocabulary of ways to look.

Lately I’ve been thinking more about how to avoid the things I’m actually scared of about getting old: becoming set in my ways, stuck in my thinking or narrow in my influences. I want to keep my mind-set open, my life full of voices that are vibrant and diverse. That takes a lot of work too, but I’m confident it will have a greater return on investment than all the creams in the world. That was always the case, it just took me getting older to recognize it.”

Fab Links from Our Members

In the same Wrinkles in Time series, Annagybe thought this article was an interesting take on older women in the fashion industry.

Karie loved this article about Isabella Springmuhl, a 19-year-old fashion designer with Down’s Syndrome. “Her designs are very colorful and beautiful”, Karie adds.

L’Abeille enjoyed browsing through these photos of Queen Elizabeth II’s earliest moments in the spotlight, and finds the corgis irresistible.

L’Abeille also wanted to share this roundup of traditional wedding dresses from around the world. She especially loved the Eritrean wedding with the velvet crowns and purple and gold robes.