Earlier this morning we sent out the newsletter for May. We hope you enjoy it.

Last month quite a few people asked us whether we could make the newsletter available online for those who aren’t subscribed. So here are the first two editions:

One change this month is that we aren’t automatically adding new YLF forum members to the newsletter email list, so please sign up manually if you would like to receive it in your inbox at the end of each month.

The way you sign up will depend on whether or not you already receive daily updates:

  1. If you are not signed up for daily blog or store updates, then please go to this page to sign up for the newsletter. If you like, you can also sign up for daily updates at the same time.
  2. If you are already signed up for daily updates, but would like to add the newsletter to your subscription, then please go to the footer of one of the daily update email messages we sent you and click on the link that says “Update your Profile”. This will take you to a page where you can manage your YLF subscriptions. Click the checkbox alongside “Monthly Newsletter”.

If you’re into RSS rather than email, then please read Greg’s post on all the feeds that are available from YLF.
