While you don’t need to have a bag for every outfit, using one handbag for all occasions simply does not work. Women often ask me to recommend a handbag that they can use 24/7. I disappoint them by replying that there is no such thing as “one bag fits all”. It’s easy to ruin an outfit with the wrong handbag. Heavy dark bags look super in autumn and winter with a coat or jacket, but will overwhelm a soft pretty dress. You’ll also want a change from your everyday work bag to something smaller and smarter when you go out at night or attend a fancy occasion.
For those of you that want to have style with the fewest number of bags in your wardrobe, my suggestion would be to invest in a timeless “3-bag-complement”:
- Black or brown bag for colder weather
- Metallic, white or coloured bag for warmer weather
- Small evening clutch for smarter occasions
If your lifestyle also demands a briefcase then you’ll need to add that as a fourth bag. And if bags are your very favourite thing like they are for me, you can never have enough. The right bag can pop the most mundane outfit into the next season – the only thing you’ll want to consider is your budget!
You could go more funky or designer, but these handbags from Kenneth Cole are a safe choice if you don’t want to think about handbags again for a while.