I’ve talked about what’s fabulous this season (see Spring 2006). Many high fashion items become “mainstream” a year after their so-called debut. Other items come back into fashion decades later – hence the term “vintage”. Unfortunately, there will also be items that were complete fashion fads last season and just won’t be stylish to wear again this season. Here’s the scoop on what to keep, what to store, and what to give away.
To keep:
- Well fitting jeans – boot cut or flared with or without bling on the back pockets
- Gauchos – walk shorts would be this season’s update, but in Europe – culottes are always a stylish classic!
- Bling T-shirts – any style embellished with sequins, glitter, studs or metallic print
- Puffy sleeved items – in any form e.g. t-shirt, jacket or blouse
- Strapless tops – still great to use as layering items
- Embellished thong sandals – gladiator thongs would be the update, but you’ll still be hip wearing those pretty Indian versions you wore last summer
- Hip belts – fitted long tops are very fashionable and despite the fact that belts are moving onto our natural waist again, you’ll still be able to wear hip belts over long tops and look fab
- Ethnic accessories – still very much in vogue
To store:
- Chunky turquoise jewelry – it becomes popular every 5 or 6 years
- Out of style designer handbags – you paid an arm and a leg for them and they will be fashionable again, I promise. I’ve just started reusing my 8 year old Prada bag
To give away:
- Cropped front-tie shrugs
- Long-tiered peasant skirts
- Anything tie dyed
- Faded, ripped jeans
When passing on your clothes; consider dropping them off at a Dress for Success site. There are women in the world who literally have nothing to wear and they will be grateful for your donations.