I so wish I had more turquoise in my closet to brighten this outfit to match the picture more. The picture has such lovely green shades and I didn't have any so I stuck with blues and yellow. Here is my attempt. This is fun!

I think the brown swirlies in the dress matched the stilks and I emphasized blue at the top and gold (shoes) at the bottom.

This is the first time I have taken a photo at work

I so loved all the different stylings but if I could vote, Diana's blows me away!

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Aida, Amy, Sveta, Sylvie, Jayne, AJ, L'Abeille and mom - you all look so spectacular. What a joy it is to see the different but equally responsive interpretations.

(Cross-posted to my blog.)

This is not the most creative interpretation to the challenge for day 2, but had a bit of a crisis yesterday, so this is what resulted:

Turquoise, green, and black patterned surplice fit-and-flare dress (from last year's Seattle clothing swap.) It's a bit of a stretch, but the small circular pattern of the print does make me think a little bit of lily pads. The neckline's a little low so underneath I wore a kelly green knit shell that has a ripply neckline and a turquoise-colored glass beaded necklace - again, trying to evoke the tranquility and movement in the inspiration photo. My own "stems" are encased by my favorite cognac boots. The lily pads are a bit yellow in the photo from sunlight streaming overhead, so I cheated a bit by bringing this out in my trusty mustard handbag.

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(Posted on my blog earlier but forgot to post this here too, hope it's not too late).

I decided I wanted to wear my Kate Spade black and white chrysanthemum dress because the flowers reminded me of the lily pad leaves. I tried adding some accessories that were either aqua/blue or kelly green to reflect the colors in the picture, but I wasn't entirely sure about these combinations and plus the peep toe wedges are too high to be comfortable at work, so I ended up going with plain & simple 2/3. Hope that isn't too boring! (Do either the aqua or green combos work though?)

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